Pest Control

Things You Need To Consider When Doing A Flea Inspection

A flea inspection is a process of looking for fleas and their eggs in an environment, such as a home, pet bedding, or backyard. This can be done by a professional pest control company or by the homeowner. 

Fleas are small, wingless insects that are parasitic on animals and humans. They are wingless and have a laterally compressed body, which enables them to move through the fur or feathers of their host and penetrate the skin to feed on blood. Fleas are a nuisance to their hosts and can transmit disease.

There are a few things to consider when doing a cockroach inspection in Burleigh heads, which includes:

The type of environment being inspected 

Fleas thrive in warm, humid environments, so if you live in a climate like this, you’ll likely have some infestation issues. Fleas also love dark spaces, so these may be areas where the little buggers tend to hide out. Keep this in mind when doing an inspection, and make sure you thoroughly check your floors, carpets and furniture for signs of infestation.

The presence of pets in the home

Pets are another factor that contributes to fleas. They can bring them into the house from outside or bring them back inside with them after visiting other animals outdoors. Dogs tend to attract more fleas than cats do because they spend more time outside roaming around and sniffing things (and other animals).

Flea Inspection

The age of the home 

Fleas prefer older homes because they provide plenty of places for them to hide from predators or parasites. When you’re performing an inspection, look for cracks and crevices where they can hide out during the day and emerge at night. These areas include behind baseboards, inside closets, underneath beds, and under rugs or carpeting. If you find any cracks or crevices that seem suspicious during your inspection, use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment to clean them out thoroughly before moving on with other parts of the inspection process.

The climate

It’s important that you check the climate first because this will determine whether or not there is an infestation of fleas present in the area. Fleas prefer warm and humid weather over cold temperatures and dry conditions, so if you live in an area with these kinds of weather conditions, then there’s a good chance that you’ll have problems with fleas at some point during your stay there.


When you are doing your flea inspection, don’t skim over anything. Even if something doesn’t look like a flea, it might be. Not every flea is jumping around, either. It could be lying done in a crack somewhere.

Related Sources: Termite Baiting Systems Currumbin, Exterra Termite Bait

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Dean Hughes